⭐️ Super Star ⭐️ Online Shopping ⭐️ May 20-29, 2021 on Facebook

 ⭐️ Super Star ⭐️ Online Shopping ⭐️ 

May 20-29, 2021


Come & shop ONLINE with us!

We have a wide variety of vendors here for some great deals!

Shop on Facebook with 50 different small business vendors!

Artists, crafters, clothing, jewelry, health & beauty, foods, gifts & so much more!!

1. ACN: Essential Services - Jaunique Hudgins https://jaunique.acnibo.com/us-en/homepage
2. Arbonne - Valarie Walls www.ValarieWalls.arbonne.com
4. B-Epic - Monique Garand Avery http://www.bepic.com/healthieru
5. Be Radiant Boutique - Ashley Weber Http://www.beradiantboutique.com
6. BULAVITA (CHERISH) - Michelle Renee Alexander-Druitt Michelledruitt.shopmycherish.com
7. Chalk Couture - Donna Brooks https://www.chalkcouture.ca/bffgcreations
8. Color Street - Lynn Radcliffe https://www.colorstreet.com/Morticia2/party/2062904
9. doTERRA - Tina Moose https://mydoTERRA.com/tinamoosse
10. Epicure - Kilah Wilson-Allen https://kilahwilsonallen.epicure.com
11. Farmasi - BrIdget Jensen https://www.farmasius.com/BridgetJensen
12. GelMoment - Nicky Sanford-Risk https://nickyrisk.gelmoment.com
13. Hempworx/MDC - Cheryl Lovell https://www.nuchoice4health.com
14. ItWorks - Jamie Lynn https://linkfly.to/jamielynn
15. Jafra - Delan Jensen Https://www.jafra.com/djensen
16. Jordan Essentials - Andrea Kenney http://myjestore.com/andreakenney
17. Just Us Three Soap Co - Wendi Carroll Justusthreesoapco.com
18. Juvenaé - Suzanne Nash https://juvenae.com/ShopwithSuzanne
19. L'BRI Pure 'n Natural - Sue McFeely (Sue Swartz) https://www.lbri.com/suemcfeely
20. Lilla Rose - Sandy Hickman www.lillarose.biz/sandyhickman
22. Luci Bags - Claire Senglin Richardson www.SuccessTotes.com
23. Mary Kay - Maria A Rodriguez https://www.marykay.com/marodriguez8
24. Modere - Crystal Gifford https://www.modere.com/?referralCode=4800790
25. Monat - Janet Hathaway Woodsum https://janetwood0317.mymonat.com
26. Neora - Sandy Hickman https://sandyhickman.Neora.com
27. Norwex - Nicolle Miller Bradshaw https://nicollebradshaw.norwex.biz
28. NuSkin - Angie Johnson https://beautybyangiejohnson.mynuskin.com
29. Pampered Chef - Ina Marie Putnam https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/ina
30. Paparazzi - Arenda Cassandra Pesnell https://www.facebook.com/groups/375602073567963
31. Park Lane Jewelry - Alma Hickman Ranschaert Http://www.myparklane.com/almaranschaert
32. Perfectly Posh - Debbie Cox Traxson https://debbiets.po.sh/
34. Pure Romance - Brittany Lynn Sjostrom pureromance.com/brittanyhanson
35. Ruby Ribbon - Tamica London http://www.rubyribbon.com/tamicalondon
36. Savvi - Tanya Grimshaw
37. Scentsy - Tori Benitez https://victoriabenitez.scentsy.us/
39. Sipology - Colleen Rice Farrelly www.sipology.com/Colleenfarrelly
40. Tastefully Simple - Cindy Dyer Gray https://www.TastefullySimple.com/web/Cgray6
41. The Happy Company - Michelle Ortiz (Smith) https://thehappyco.com/MichelleLOrtiz
42. Thirty-One - Tanya Crawford https://mythirtyone.com/tanyacrawford
43. Tocara - Anne-Marie Dick/Marcia McMaster https://www.facebook.com/littleblackdressapproved
44. Topanga Scents - Darlene Schexnayder http://mytopangascents.com/DarleneSchexnayder
45. Tori Belle - Brittany Miles James http://shop.toribellecosmetics.com/BrittanyJames/Home
46. Tupperware - E. Valerie Nyiri Valerienl.my.tupperware.com
47. Usborne Books & More - Robin Overlock https://x11574.myubam.com/2102569
48. VIC Beauty - Kymberly Hopp Www.vicbeautybrand.com
49. VoxxLife - Terry-Lynn Parker http://SoxxLife.com

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And over 35 years in the marketing world.
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