How to Create Pinterest Pins for your Direct Sales Business

How to Create Pinterest Pins for your Direct Sales Business

Who loves Pinterest as much as I do? I have spent the last few years using Pinterest for my Online Event business. Creating my own original pins helps to funnel fresh eyes to my blog events and Facebook page. Have you been creating your own pins only to see they are not getting shared? Frustrating right? My aim is to help you out. Here are 4 key things to remember when creating Pinterest pins for your direct sales business.

Vertical Layout
Most Pinterest users are on a mobile device and use the Pinterest app. The app favors vertical pins and populates them in the smart feed. Horizontal pins are smaller and have a lower repin rate so vertical is the way to go.
Use a graphics platform like Canva to create awesome vertical pins. They have a Pinterest template made in the optimal dimensions for Pinterest pins. Browse the Pinterest templates and use them for inspiration for your own original pins.
Make sure to include your watermark or website on the pin to protect your original creation!

Words are Key

Keywords that is. 😉 Pinterest is a search engine at its core. Using the right keywords in your description and on your pin image will help your pins gain visibility. Not only are the keywords on Pinterest important for others finding your pins, it helps your overall SEO with Google.
The more keyword friendly your pins and descriptions are, the greater the chance they will be found on Pinterest AND Google. That’s the power of Pinterest!

Bright & Light

Light, bright, pink, yellow, and blue pins fair really well on Pinterest. Coupled with great fonts and eye-catching images, you’ll want to create a pin that will make a Pinterest user stop. Think about your own pinning habits and what makes you pin something to one of your boards.
Are you creating Pinterest pins for your direct sales business, but not seeing results? Remember these 4 things when creating pins to increase your repins! Kristy Empol
I was scrolling through Pinterest (of course!) and noticed this pin right away.

I immediately thought what a great idea for my makeup direct sales friends to recreate! I’ve said before to think about what makes you stop scrolling. Think of how you can recreate the same graphic for your own product and brand.
Even better, create a secret board on Pinterest to keep all your “Pinspiration” pins so you have them handy when you are ready to make your own stunning pins!
Following these 4 tips when creating Pinterest pins for your direct sales business will make you stand out from the rest of the pack. Your pins will gain visibility and continue to funnel a new audience to your websites. 

Please follow my Pinterest & feel free to request to post to any of my boards! I have 10,497 Followers!!


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