101 Facebook Group Engagement Post Ideas for Direct Sellers
Did you know that having an engaged, active, and growing Facebook community is one of the best ways to succeed in direct sales? But, we all get stuck sometimes on WHAT to post to get our direct sales Facebook groups talking! I’ve put together the ultimate list for you. Here are 101 Facebook group engagements post ideas for you to use!
Facebook Group Engagement Post Ideas
- Tell me what you just did and add “like a boss”
- Name a candy that starts with the 1st letter of your 1st name
- Describe yourself using emojis only
- What was the last book you read?
- Post the last picture you saved to your phone
- Name a song with a color in the title
- Drop an emoji that describes your Friday night
- Storytime! Using only 2 words keep the story going in the comments
- What is the weather like where you are today?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- What is your favorite food to eat?
- Describe your upcoming weekend plans using song titles
- What is your superhero name? Color of your pants + object to your right = Superhero name!
- Would you rather go camping, shopping, boating, or dancing?
- Beach or lake?
- Coffee or tea?
- My first concert was…
- If you had to marry your partner in the place where you met, where would the wedding be?
- Pick up the nearest book to you and turn to page 56. The first sentence explains your love life.
- What is your favorite flavor of chips?
- Would you rather have a personal chef or maid or personal shopper or nanny?
- What is the strangest thing in your purse?
- Post a random fact about yourself
- Let’s play 2 truths and 1 lie
- Describe your favorite tv show using emojis only
- Ruin a date in 4 words
- If you named your children after your pregnancy cravings, what would their names be?
- Sweet or salty?
- We are going on a vacation! The plane leaves in an hour. Where are we going?
- I dare you to hit “paste” in the comments
- You can only pick one thing to do this summer. What would it be?
- If your battery percentage were your age, how old would you be?
- Name a food using the last letter of the one before. Let’s see how long we can keep this going!
- You have $1000 to spend in 30 minutes. Which store are you spending it in?
- Say a line from a movie and see who can guess it!
- What movie has everyone else seen but you?
- What is on your do not playlist?
- If I could go anywhere right now, I would go to….
- Badly explain your profession
- 3 words better than, “I love you”
- What is the temperature where you are at?
- What show do you love to bingewatch?
- What foods do you mix together that you think is so good, but others think it is gross?
- What is your dream date?
- What is your go-to guilty pleasure?
- Name a movie you have watched more than 5 times and still entertains you
- How often do you clean your oven?
- What is one thing you could probably throw away but just can’t?
- What is your one must-have makeup item?
- You are stuck in an elevator with a famous person. Who would you pick to be stuck with?
- The last tv show you watched is now your life story. Name that show!
- Post a pic of what’s in front of you right now
- If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which show would you choose?
- Show us your very first Facebook profile pic!
- Share something positive that happened today
- Night in or night out?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where in the world are you?
- What do you daydream about?
- On a rainy day I like to…
- What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
- Share a silly selfie
- Snapchat time! Post your best Snapchat filter photo!
- Peanut butter: Creamy or Crunchy?
- What is the first word that pops into your head when you read the last word in the comments?
- Change the vowels in your name to “oodle”
- What makes it feel like summer to you?
- What collection did you have growing up?
- I cannot live without my….
- Share your best #lifehack
- What goes on your tacos?
- Coffee: Iced or hot?
- #ThankfulThursday: What are you thankful for today?
- Share what your job is using emojis
- Make a funny saying from your initials
- Have you ever done something you thought you never would?
- Share your emoji history!
- What are a few of your favorite things?
- What is one movie you can quote word for word?
- Tell us what you are doing today using one word
- Name a song you don’t play at a wedding
- List a song starting with the letter A. Keep it going in the order of the alphabet!
- Share your favorite motivational quote
- Wine Down Wednesday- Red or White?
- What is your favorite song of all time?
- What is your most prized possession?
- Where is your favorite place to relax?
- What does an ideal weekend look like to you?
- Share your favorite app on your phone
- What are you most excited about this week?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- What is one food you hate but everyone else seems to love?
- #SundayFunday – What plans do you have for the day?
- If you could have any kind of car, what would it be?
- How old were you in 1986?
- My favorite summer vacation destination is:
- What would you rather do on a Friday night? Go out or stay in?
- What is your favorite Netflix show?
- Post a photo of your childhood crush
- What is one thing you always forget at the grocery store?
- Which is worse to step on: Legos or Cars?
Create Facebook Group Engagement Post Ideas
To see how easy it is to make up a graphic for any of these ideas. Just follow these 3 simple steps.
- Step 1: Start with an image
- Step 2: Add some text
- Step 3: Add your watermark
It’s that easy!
Use any (or all!) of these ideas! You can post them directly into your direct sales Facebook groups or better yet, create an original graphic using your own branded colors and fonts.
With all of these ideas, it’s important to remember WHY they work to get your Facebook communities engaging. I’ve mentioned before that people love to give their opinions and share their lives and experiences. These Facebook group engagement post ideas are prompts to get your group chatting away!
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