Setting goals are crucial for success whether that be in your business, health, at work, or organization in the household. So, get out a pen and paper and take notes so that YOU can start implementing these tricks today! Make a list of 5-10 short-term goals, mid-term goals, and long-term goals. For example, your short-term goal may be something as simple as following up with three people this week, taking your dog for a walk a few times a week, or getting started on a budget. Mid-term goals are usually six months out and although it seems far away, it’s important to take baby steps to ensure you reach that goal. Your mid-term goals may include taking your family on a vacation this summer that you’ve never been able to do, setting aside a few more hours to do family activities and not be so consumed with work, or getting that promotion that you’ve been waiting for so patiently. Again, don’t wait! Get started on taking baby steps today! Quotes ...