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9 Hacks for Stress-Free Outdoor Parties

9 Hacks for Stress-Free Outdoor Parties

Whether you host every weekend or once a season, upping your game with these hot tips promises an endless summer of fun.

  • Stephanie Sisco

1. Pretty Bug Banishers
Skip the noisy zappers and smelly sprays. Instead, ward off mosquitoes by scattering softly scented citronella votives ($4 for six, in pretty glasses or candle-holders that you already own.

2. Spray Delay
Are your sprinklers on a timer? Power them down the day before the party. If you leave this for the day of, there's a good chance you'll forget. Plus, you don't want a soaked lawn.

3. Two Bins, Not One
Chill drinks for two hours in the refrigerator, then transfer to a tub filled with ice. Place an empty tub next to the drink-filled one so that guests can easily drop in cans and bottles for recycling.

4. Double Dishes
Serving buffet-style means you'll need extra plates. Guests often take a fresh one for seconds or dessert, so plan on two or three plates per person. Unbreakable is best. If you prefer disposable to melamine, consider compostable plates. (

5. RSVP Guarantee
With a free scheduling site like, you can pick a party date that most of your friends can make. You offer options, guests check off when they're free, and the site shows the results. Genius!
6. Refill Station
It's a pain to run back into the house every time you need more napkins. Instead, hide two plastic tubs under a cloth-covered table and fill them with supplies: water bottles on ice in a "wet" bin and extra flatware, disposable plates, and paper towels in a "dry" one.

7. Tablescapes 101
Serving pieces of various heights give a spread style and maximize space. Don't have cake stands? Set a plate with a rimmed base on top of an inverted flowerpot or bowl.

8. Music on Tap
Download Real Simple's playlists for the parties (via Spotify).

9. Tackle To-Dos in Advance
Lessen your party-prep stress by creating a timeline of tasks that you can handle early.


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