12 kittens who will make you feel better about it being Monday again
12 kittens who will make you feel better about it being Monday again

Oh hell, it’s Monday again.
Yes, just when you were getting into the swing of the weekend it’s all over and you’re back in the office.
But you know what will cheer you right up on a gloomy Monday?
Yes, that’s right, adorable little cats.
Because these fuzzy fur balls totally feel your pain and are here to help you get through the trauma of today.
Here’s 12 kittens who will make you feel better about it being Monday again.
1. This kitten, who has just realized what day it is

2. This kitten, who simply cannot function without a flat white

3. This kitten who, despite eating her sandwiches AND Monster Munch on the train is starving and it’s only 11am

4. This kitten, who forgot her brollie and isn’t sure about venturing out

5. This kitten, who’s just spotted her boss in cycling shorts and would like to erase the image from her memory permanently

6. This kitten, who’s doing her best to become invisible during the forward planning meeting

7. This kitten, who is really struggling with her HIIT class today

8. This kitten, who has realised the fridge is out of milk

9. This kitten, who can’t understand why it isn’t 5pm yet

10. This kitten, who has just been handed several extra jobs at 4.55pm

11. This kitten, who has finally made it through the rush hour and is ROLFing at YouTube videos

12. These kittens, just having a cuddle

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