Home Business Shopping Spotlight 🔦 February 24 – March 1, 2021 on Facebook

 Home Business Shopping Spotlight 🔦 February 24 – March 1, 2021 on Facebook

Discover the latest sales and deals at your favorite online vendors! 54 amazing vendors to shop with & have fun!

Order online directly through consultants personal websites without having to step foot out of your own house.

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1. Arbonne - Christiana Stramaglia https://www.ChristianaTrue.Arbonne.com
2. Arieyl - Karen Louise www.Arieyl.com/KarenLouise
3. Bee Well Bakery - Sally Wheeler- Riker https://www.etsy.com/shop/SallysEssentialOils
4. Bioreigns - Kimberly Dube Rainville https://hummingbird-hemp.bioreigns.com/
5. CC BOWtique - Catherine N Creigh Https://ccbowtique.com
6. Color Street - Lynn Radcliffe https://www.colorstreet.com/Morticia2/party/1879056
7. CTFO - Denise A Sands https://sandsd619.myctfo.com/
8. CutiePETootie - Jodi Cohen @cutiepetootienc
9. Damsel in Defense - Heather Jones http://www.mydamselpro.net/PRO31053/
10. Dimaggio Travels - Josephine Alamia DiMaggio Dimaggiotravels.com
11. Discovery Toys - Tina Hancock https://www.discoverytoys.com/tinahancock
12. doTERRA Essential Oils - Tina Moose https://mydoterra.com/tinamoose
13. Elevacity - Michelle Ortiz https://elevacity.com/MichelleLOrtiz
14. Epicure - Deborah R Evans deborahevans.epicure.com/en-us
15. GelMoment - Leila Sears https://lsears.GelMoment.com
16. Jordan Essentials - Andrea Kenney https://www.myjestore.com/andreakenney
17. Juvenae - Jenni Hayes Https://juvenae.com//Ebonyandivory
18. L’Bri - Becky Hanna www.lbri.com/beckyhanna
19. Le-Vel - Gloria Stevens https://Gloria_Stevens.thrive123.com
20. Lilla Rose - Brittany Blubaugh lillarose.biz/FabHair
21. Mary Kay - Deborah Davis www.marykay.com/MakeupDeb
22. Modere - Crystal Gifford https://www.modere.com/?referralCode=4800790
23. Monat - Katie VanHootegem https://knvanhoot.mymonat.com/
24. Neora - Kim Pylatuk https://www.facebook.com/kim.pylatuk
25. Norwex - Kristi Shaffer Www.kristishaffer.norwex.biz
26. Pampered Chef - Natashya Armer-Giardina https://www.pamperedchef.com/party/natashyagiardina0208...
27. Paparazzi - Arenda Cassandra Pesnell https://www.facebook.com/groups/375602073567963
28. PawTree - Katie Miskovic www.Pawtree.com/KMisko
29. Perfectly Posh - SHANNON O'MALLEY https://shannonomalley.po.sh
30. Pink Zebra - Tasha Johnston http://www.pinkzebrahome.com/iamblessed
31. Plunder - Brittany Warren https://www.plunderdesign.com/brittanycwarren
32. Pure Romance - Kristen Nicole PureRomance Pureromance.Com/kristenhaugen
33. Pruvit - Irene Tassie https://irenet.experienceketo.com
34. Pure Haven - Stefanie Lynn Www.purehaven.com/stefaniekronenfeld
35. Purium - Jaunique Hudgins https://ishoppurium.com/Jaunique
36. Ruby Ribbon - Tanya Butler Williams www.rubyribbon.com/tanyawilliams
37. Scentsy - Lis LeRoy Smul https://LisPerfectScents.scentsy.us
38. Scout & Cellar - Jennifer Ashlock https://scoutandcellar.com/?u=simplyyou
39. SeneGence - Heidi Meckley Https://www.senegence.com/heidimeckley
40. Sipology by Steeped Tea - Tammy Fitzloff Bullock https://www.sipology.com/eventshare/P27843/?u=TEALICIOS
41. Stella & Dot - Becky Serr https://www.stelladot.com/sites/beckyserr
42. Swirly Me Sweets - Rochelle Walvatne
43. The Body Shop at Home - Stephanie Swartzel Therrell https://bit.ly/beautybythebay
44. Thirty-One - Jana Naleway https://www.getorganizedwithjana.com
45. Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski - Debbie Jasinski http://sites.touchstonecrystal.com/debbiejasinski
46. Tula Xii - Teri DiPaolo Brauer https://tulaxii.com/teribrauer
47. Tupperware - BriLisa Hewkin https://lisaflowers.my.tupperware.com
48. Usborne - Hailey Guess https://v11074.myubam.com/
49. Vantel Pearls - Lori Manon Crandall Https://www.vantelpearls.com/loricrandall
50. VoxxLife - Caron Schwartz Stringi https://caronstringi.VoxxLife.com
52. Wink Naturals - Dani N Eric Lee www.winknaturals.com/daniellelee
53. Younique - Amanda Rae Makovicka Youniqueproducts.com/AmandaMakovicka


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