⭐️⭐️ It is our time to Shine ⭐️⭐️ Home Business Shopping Spotlight! on Facebook

⭐️⭐️ It is our time to Shine ⭐️⭐️ 
Home Business Shopping Spotlight!

July-August-September 2020
It is time to put our small/home businesses in the spotlight & let them shine.Especially in these trying times. Let's support these vendors!
Check back often, as our vendors are constantly adding new items!

1. Ambit Energy - Paul Truman Jr. https://siriusstarec.myambit.com/rates-and-plans/
2. Avon - Shae' shores Youravon.com/shaeshores
3. B-Epic - Angie Telfer https://www.bepic.com/angiet
4. BeautyCounter - Kim Bach Vu http://www.beautycounter.com/kimvu
5. Bee Well Bakery (formerly known as Sally's Essential Oils Bakery n more) Sally Wheeler- Riker
6. Color Street - Annaliza Carandang Arceo https://www.colorstreet.com/annalizaarceo/
7. Damsel In Defense - Heidi Simpson www.dontbedefenseless.com
8. Do You Bake? - Erin Bateman Hammond https://shop.doyoubake.com/?affiliateid=14852
9. Elevacity - Asha Balram www.elevacity.com/Ashascoffeesurprise
10. Epicure - Kim Wall https://kimberlywall.epicure.com
11. Farmasi - Harley Hinton III http://farmasius.com/harleyhinton
12. FOREVER - Pat Barrett Campbell https://www.forever.com/ambassador/pat-campbell
13. Grace & Heart - Vicky Wilke http://www.mygraceandheart.com/VICKYWILKE/
14. Hello Pink - Debbie Cox Traxson https://debbiets.hellopink.com/
15. HempWorx / My Daily Choice / Mantra / High Life Travel - Christine New Pering https://www.MyDailyChoice.com/Christip
16. Herbalife - Stephanie Baker https://stephaniebaker1.goherbalife.com/
17. Iris jewelry - Lindsay McDermid Phillips Https://www.irisfashionjewelry.com
18. ItWorks - Leana Simpson leanasimpson.itworks.com
19. Jafra - Gail Jamison Jafra.com/gjamison
20. Joiya - Angie Smith https://joiya.life/asmith
21. Juice Plus - Cynthia Bagwell https://cb28356.juiceplus.com
22. LifeVantage - Sandy Jones https://sandyjones.lifevantage.com/us-en/
23. Lilla Rose - Kathryn Rodriguez https://www.lillarose.biz/spiceupmyhair
24. LimeLife by Alcone - April Stacey Charron https://www.limelifebyalcone.com/aprilstacey
25. Mary Kay - Deborah Davis www.marykay.com/MakeupDeb
26. Melaleuca - Toni Floyd
27. Modere - Crystal Gifford https://www.modere.com/?referralCode=4800790
28. Monat - Rissa Ann https://rawojcik.mymonat.com/
29. Must Love Leggings - Brandy Dickson https://mustloveleggings.com/?ref=brandyd
30. My Lala Leggings - Charlene Cunningham Baylor https://www.mylalaleggings.com/#Char
31. Mystical opus glass LLC - Katherine Gaedike Lane Mysticalopusglass.etsy.com
32. Norwex - Sue Boyles https://teresaboyles.Norwex.biz
33. NuSkin - Christine Rodden http://christiner121.mynuskin.com/
34. ONEHOPE Wine - Kim Bach Vu https://www.onehopewine.com/myshop/cheers
35. Pampered Chef - Wendy Jernigan https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/wjernigan
36. Paparazzi Accessories - Donna Belbeck https://paparazziaccessories.com/175014
37. PawTree - Marty Petersen www.pawtree.com/marty
38. Perfectly Posh - Patricia Denton Bannister Https://bannister.po.sh
39. Pink Zebra - Jen M Moore http://www.pinkzebrahome.com/GreydonsMom
40. Plexus - Cindy Allison https://plexusworldwide.com/cindyallison/
41. Pure Romance - Kristen Nicole PureRomance Pureromance.Com/kristenhaugen
42. Rarity Nails - Dannette Hagihara (Cara) https://raritynails.com/?sp_name=easymani
43. Ring Bomb Party - Melissa Manning Https://melissasgloriousgems.ringbombparty.com
44. Rodan + Fields - Tracy Cannizzo Finigan https://tracy3.myrandf.com/
45. Ruby Ribbon - Deborah Candela LeDonne www.rubyribbon.com/deborahledonne
46. Scentsy - Sue Boyles http://teresaboyles.Scentsy.us
47. Scout & Cellar - Jen Evola Graham Www.scoutandcellar.com/evolagraham
48. Senegence - Lanae Stepaniuk https://www.senegence.com/elegantblondebeauty
49. Softtotouch - Cynthia Doricchi www.softtotouch.info
50. Solely Jane - Diana Anderson https://solelyjane.com/DianaAndersonttl
51. Steeped Tea - Kymberly Hopp https://www.sipology.com/KT206649
52. Stella & Dot - Kim Havard stelladot.com/sites/kimhavard
53. Tastefully Simple - Tracy Briley https://www.tastefullysimple.com/web/tbriley
54. Tate & Zoey - Heidi Simpson www.tateandzoey.com/Giftsremembered
55. The Body Shop at Home - Cindy Nakamaru (Wong) https://www.thebodyshopathome-usa.com/CindyNakamaru
56. The Cocoa Exchange - Andrea Kenney http://www.mytcesite.com/WithAndrea
57. The Wine Ladies Designs - Dawn Grandell Kazmierski https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheWineLadiesDesigns?ref=search_shop_redirect
58. Thirty-One - Amy Thomas www.mythirtyone.com/11081811
59. Thrive Life - Marilyn Kay Myers https://www.marilynmyers.thrivelife.com
60. Tori Belle - Cheri Anne Johnson http://shop.toribellecosmetics.com/cherijohnson/Home
61. Touchstone Crystal - Sue Boyles https://sites.touchstonecrystal.com/sites/sueboyles
62. Tupperware - Kathleen Loucks https://www.Isellbowls.com
63. Usborne Books and More - Joanne Jackman https://j8119.myubam.com/1561586
64. Vantel Pearls - Laura Matthews www.chesapeakebaypearlgirl.com
65. Wink - Danielle N Eric Lee www.winknaturals.com/daniellelee
66. Younique - Anne Frances www.AnneFrancis.me
67. Zyia Active - Crystal Gifford https://www.myzyia.com/EMPOWERYOURBODY

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