⭐️⭐️ It is our time to Shine ⭐️⭐️ Home Business Shopping Spotlight! on Facebook

⭐️⭐️ It is our time to Shine ⭐️⭐️ Home Business Shopping Spotlight! https://www.facebook.com/groups/TimeToShineHomeShopping/ July-August-September 2020 It is time to put our small/home businesses in the spotlight & let them shine.Especially in these trying times. Let's support these vendors! Check back often, as our vendors are constantly adding new items! 1. Ambit Energy - Paul Truman Jr. https://siriusstarec.myambit.com/rates-and-plans/ 2. Avon - Shae' shores Youravon.com/shaeshores 3. B-Epic - Angie Telfer https://www.bepic.com/angiet 4. BeautyCounter - Kim Bach Vu http://www.beautycounter.com/kimvu 5. Bee Well Bakery (formerly known as Sally's Essential Oils Bakery n more) Sally Wheeler- Riker 6. Color Street - Annaliza Carandang Arceo https://www.colorstreet.com/annalizaarceo/ 7. Damsel In Defense - Heidi Simpson www.dontbedefenseless.com 8. Do You Bake? - Erin Bateman Hammond https://shop.doyoubake.com/?affiliateid=14852 9....