2020 Spring Break Online Shopping Event March 22-29, 2020 on Facebook

2020 Spring Break Online Shopping Event March 22-29, 2020

Shop online and enjoy great deals from your favorite vendors & some new vendors, too!!
Be sure to check back often for new posts and info on customer specials and more! Thank you for coming!
LET'S SHOP!! Let's have some FUN with these vendors!!!

1. Avon - Shae Shores Youravon.com/shaeshores
2. Color Street - Michelle Drag https://www.colorstreet.com/MDragNAILEDIT
3. Epicure - Deborah R Evans deborahevans.epicure.com
4. Farmasi - Angie Payden http://www.HappyFaceBody.com
5. Gourmet Creations Dip Mixes - Britt Carter https://www.facebook.com/brittsdips/
6. HempWorx - Christine New Pering https://www.HempWorx.com/Christip
7. ItWorks - Jenn Burgess Van Kasteren Https://jennvankasteren.itworksca.com
8. JBloom - Michelle Verburgt https://www.myjbloom.com/michellev
9. JenArt Realty - Jennifer Baron
10. Jordan Essentials - Catherine James http://www.CathyJELady.com
11. Lemongrass Spa - Lisa Bippert Ourlemongrassspa.com/17606
12. Modere - Crystal Gifford https://www.modere.com/?referralCode=4800790
13. Neora - Lisa Kenney Lisakenney.Neora.com
14. Norwex - Rose Krause www.rosekrause.norwex.biz
15. Pampered Chef - Tamilynn Wilson pamperedchef.biz/tamilynnwilson
16. Paparazzi - Rhoda Cronebach http://www.facebook.com/rhodasbling
17. Perfectly Posh - Patricia Denton Bannister Http://bannister.po.sh
18. Ruby Ribbon - Deborah R Evans www.rubyribbon.com/deborahevans
19. Sass N Frass - Debbie Cox Traxson https://sassnfrass.com/#DebbiesSassNFrass
20. Scentsy - Krisandra Stanley http://krisandra.scentsy.us
21. Steeped Tea - Jessica Schumacher http://www.mysteepedteaparty.com/KT206115/
22. Stella & Dot (KEEP Collective, EVER Skin Care) - Kimberly Ben Ali www.stelladot.com/ts/t0oo4
23. Thirty-One Gifts - Bobbi Jo Vaverchak www.mythirtyone.com/11085622
24. Tori Belle Cosmetics - Lori Rossainzz shop.toribellecosmetics.com/LoriRossainzz/Home
25. Tupperware - Jenny DeOrnellas https://jjd311.my.tupperware.com/
26. Usborne Books & More - Leslie Jean https://t7333.myubam.com
27. Xyngular Health - Bobbie Patterson
28. Young Living Essential Oils - Sally Wheeler- Riker https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/SallysEssentialOils
29. Younique - Dianna Sandora www.diannasandora.net

TO REGISTER for upcoming events, send us a message with what you sell & your email address. m.me/RisingStarOnlineEvents

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And over 30 years in the marketing world.
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