2018 FALL Bridal & Wedding Online Shopping Showcase on Facebook
Join us in presenting everything bridal & wedding for 2018 FALL Bridal & Wedding Online Showcase
Brides-to-Be spend the day discovering the latest bridal fashions and wedding trends.
Whether you are just starting your planning, finishing up the details or anywhere in between, you will find exactly what you are looking for.
Presenting everything bridal & wedding for Fall Bridal & Wedding Online Showcase
Order online directly through consultants personal websites without having to step foot out of your own house.
Brides & Grooms please Visit these APPROVED VENDORS:
1. Avon - Skye Bachmeier yourAvon.com/CieloLibre
2. Chalk Couture - Skye Bachmeier ChalkCouture.com/CieloLibre
3. Color Street - Shannon Shinault www.mycolorstreet.com/nailz
4. Custom Travel Professionals - Kimberly Rogala Perkins
5. FITTEAM Global - Barb Williams
6. Forever Photos - Pat Barrett Campbell
7. Gold Canyon - Christy Murphy https://www.christyanderson.mygc.com
8. HempWorx - Pamela Clemmons Brooks www.hempworx.com/pamela811
9. "I Do" and More - Linda Chase Sayles etsy.com/shop/idoandmore
10. Island Designs - Terri Baker Doucette
11. ItWorks - Josh Melissa Hughes FitFamilyWorks.myitwo rks.com
12. J.Elizabeth - Christy Benderhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/164995777530753/
13. Jamberry Nails
💅 - Christine Frydenborg

14. Jewelry Candles - Barbara Beecher https://jewelrycandle.com/BarbaraB/
15. Jordan Essentials - Karen Simpson www.myjestore.com/karensimpson
16. Lilla Rose
🌹 - Kathy Marco Www.LillaRose.biz/Kathyclips

17. Magnabilities - Christine Frydenborg
18. Mary Kay
💄 - Christine Frydenborg

19. Monat - Sara Ayres
20. Nerium - Kim Pieropan Twing
21. Norwex - Deanna Shaffer Pastor
22. Not Your Mommas Vinyl - Tracy Kane Facebook.com/nymvinyl
23. Nuskin - Anne Marston
24. Origami Owl - Eva Warren Www.evawarren.origamiowl.com
25. Pampered Chef - Crystal Thoreson
26. Paparazzi - Kimberly Krueger www.paparazziaccessories.com/101423
27. Plexus Worldwide
👙 - Susan Haney

28. Pure Romance
💑 - Toni Short Www.pureromance.com/tonishort

29. Premier Designs - Jamie Kujawa Jamiekujawa.mypremierdesigns.com
30. PressedByLS - LaJoyia Womackhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/PressedByLS
31. Red Aspen Lashes - Veronica Valazza
32. Rodan+Fields - Robynn Allen Rambo
33. Sassy Southern BelleTX - Chloe Vongphachanh
34. SeneGence LipSense
💄 - Ciara Bauer

35. Shiny Things Jewelry – Valerie Roehttps://www.facebook.com/ShinyThingJewelryStore/
36. SparklyStyleBridal - Jessica Bergerhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/SparklyStyleBridal
37. The Silksmith - Anne McCulloch
38. Thirty-One Gifts
🎁 - Melissa Finch-Carter

39. Touchstone Crystal - Brian Girard Www.touchstonecrystal.com/bjeweled
40. Usborne Books
📚 - Tawanda Walker

41. Vantel Pearls - Rowena Ryan-Schultz www.peachtreepearlgirl.com
42. Xstream Travel/My Vacation Time 2 - Sandra Gindlespergerwww.myvacationtime.traverusglobal.com
43. Yanbal USA - Becky Veto www.yanbal.com/us/beckyveto/en
44. Young Living Essential Oils - Pat Barrett Campbell
45. Younique
💄 - Brittney Miskulin Kettererwww.YouniqueProducts.com/BrittneyMiskulinKetterer

Sep 14 at 9 AM to Sep 18 at 8 PM CDT
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