** Online Shopping Showcase ** July 30 - Aug 18, 2018 on Facebook
Shop ONLINE on Facebook from July 30th to August 18th and enjoy great deals from your favorite 40+ vendors!!
Shops, vendors, crafters and small businesses to showcase your goods to thousands of shoppers!
Artists, crafters, clothing, jewelry, health & beauty, foods, gifts & so much more!!
Order online directly through consultants personal websites without having to step foot out of your own house.

1. Anna Fashion Paradise - Anna Lifson http://www.annafashionparadise.com/
2. AVON - Marion Shepherd yourAVON.com/marionshepherd
3. Beautycounter - Jaime Marcus www.beautycounter.com/jaimemarcus
4. Chalk Couture - Donna R Belbeck https://donnasforgottenchalkzone.chalkcouture.com
5. Color Street - Gina Senatore http://www.mycolorstreet.com/colormewow
6. doTERRA - Cori Berger Shemek
7. Forever Photos - Pat Barrett Campbell
8. Hide & Carry LLC - Lisa Pierce www.hideandcarry.com
9. ICALIPSOTREASURES - Fabiana Pasquale www.icalipsotreasures.com
10. Jewelry Candles - Barbara Beecher https://jewelrycandle.com/BarbaraB/
11. Lilla Rose - Kathy Marco www.LillaRose.biz/Kathyclips
12. LOVEWINX - Alyssa Trent
13. LuLaRoe - Amanda Tuggle
14. Mary Kay - Pennye Schertz
15. Modere - Angelina Wallace
16. Monat - Melissa Inigue
17. Oh, look a shiny thing – Valerie Roe https://www.facebook.com/ShinyThingJewelryStore/
18. Organo Gold - Nikki Morrile http://nmorrile.myorganogold.com/
19. PawTree - Marty Petersen www.pawtree.com/marty
20. Perfectly Posh - Erika N Hunter
21. Pampered Chef - Tamilynn Wilson
22. Paparazzi - Elizabeth Jean Huntsinger https://m.facebook.com/groups/181905915771636
23. PlateShoppeCom - Gail Ettinger Sarasohn
24. Pure Romance - Karli Wessler-Banks
25. Purium - Heather Spivak https://ishoppurium.com/produc…/whole-food-metabolic-reset-1
26. Premier Designs - Laurie Finch Dietrich www.premierdesigns.com/Laurie
27. Rodan+Fields - Marlene Laliberty
28. Sarah’s Stamped Designs - Sarah Duncan https://www.facebook.com/sarahstampeddesigns/
29. Seadbeady - Renata Feyen https://www.facebook.com/seadbeady/
30. SeneGence LipSense - Angela Parchetta
31. Soul Shine - Kara Kimbler Gunther https://www.facebook.com/kgsoulshine
32. Stella and Dot – Traci Lenhart http://stelladot.com/tracilenhart
33. Suit Yourself Vinyl Boutique - Heather Suit https://www.facebook.com/groups/1048882518595909/
34. Surge 365 Travel - Krystal McDowell
35. Tamar Perry Art - Tamar Perry Www.tamarperryart.com
36. The Eclectic Chic Boutique - Kristen Zachares www.theeclecticchicboutique.com
37. Thirty-One - Cynthia Bowman http://www.mythirtyone.com/yourbaglady-cindy
38. Tupperware - Charlotte L Sanders https://www.facebook.com/TWbyFaithSales/
39. Uniquely Different Creations - Debbie Upton https://www.facebook.com/uniquelydifferentcreations15/
40. Usborne Books & More - Maegan White
41. Young Living Essential Oils - Pat Barrett Campbell
42. Younique - Donna R Belbeck https://timelessfaceswithdonna/youniqueproducts/
** Online Shopping Showcase ** July 30 - Aug 18, 2018
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