** Online Shopping Showcase ** July 30 - Aug 18, 2018 on Facebook

** Online Shopping Showcase ** Shop ONLINE on Facebook from July 30th to August 18th and enjoy great deals from your favorite 40+ vendors!! Shops, vendors, crafters and small businesses to showcase your goods to thousands of shoppers! Artists, crafters, clothing, jewelry, health & beauty, foods, gifts & so much more!! Order online directly through consultants personal websites without having to step foot out of your own house. 🌞 🎉 Come & join the fun! Games, raffles, FREE gifts, prizes, fun & more!! 🌞 🎉 APPROVED VEN DORS 1. Anna Fashion Paradise - Anna Lifson http://www.annafashionparadise.com/ 2. AVON - Marion Shepherd yourAVON.com/marionshepherd 3. Beautycounter - Jaime Marcus www.beautycounter.com/jaimemarcus 4. Chalk Couture - Donna R Belbeck https://donnasforgottenchalkzone.chalkcouture.com 5. Color Street - Gina Senatore http://www.mycolorstreet.com/colormewow 6. doTE...