Five Tips to Avoid Facebook Jail

Five Tips to Avoid Facebook Jail Chances are that if you’re reading this article, you’ve either ended up in Facebook jail or you’re trying to avoid it. You might have ended up in Facebook jail personally or because you’re using Facebook as a platform to run your direct sales business. Regardless on what you’re using Facebook for, we all spend way too much time scrolling our news-feed. So, let me help you stay on Zuckerberg’s good side. Here are five tips to help you avoid Facebook jail. 1. Stop messaging people the same thing. I get it. You have a message that you need to get out to a lot of people. It could be that you’re holding a surprise birthday party for your significant other, that you’ve joined a direct sales company, or you hate group chat. I get the whole efficient and effective thought process to copy and paste, but friend, you’re about to get yourself marked as a spam-bot. I’ve gotten really good at telling if a message you’re sending me is personalized or somet...