5 Bold Steps to Take to Become a Work at Home Mom

5 Bold Steps to Take to Become a Work at Home Mom Are you a working mom who dreams of being home for your kids? Perhaps you’re feeling unfulfilled at work, tired, overwhelmed, discouraged, and perhaps a twinge of guilt? There may be times you dream of the day when you can leave your corporate job behind and start your own business…and run it from the comfort of your home. Then you can set your own schedule, design your day, raise your own children, and become a successful mompreneur. It doesn’t have to be a dream. It can become a reality. If being your own boss appeals to you, here are 5 bold steps to take to become a work at home mom: #1 – Commit to it. It’s decision time. Then, it’s commitment time. Start by determining Why you want to transition from employee to work at home mom. Is it to be there for your kids at home? Are you tired of missing out on your baby’s firsts? Or maybe you’re tired of answering to someone else and helping...