2015 Online Christmas Shopping Fair

2015 Online Christmas Shopping Fair

Shop with 90+ Vendors, crafters & small businesses And never leave your house!

Gifts from Babies to Men to Pets! 

The BIGGEST & BEST Shopping Event Online!

Now through December 24, 2015


Here are the APPROVED VENDORS to shop with

1. Angela Bakke with Young Living https://www.youngliving.com/vo/…
2. Jodie Smith with eBay http://stores.ebay.com/jodezegiftsnmore
3. Kristen Roessler with Jamberry kristenroessler.jamberrynails.com
4. Gabrielle Alderman with Younique Www.youniqueproducts.com/gabbysgreatlashes
5. Stephanie Teem Orem with Tupperware www.stephanieorem.my.tupperware.com
6. Sarah Brown with Scentsy https://supermama2011.scentsy.us/
7. Angie Grunwaldt with Creative Balance Massage & Wellness LLC www.creative-balance.com
8.Patrice Craig with Stella & Dot http://www.stelladot.com/sites/patricecraig
9. Trisha Zelis with Pampered Chef designergirl367@gmail.com
10. Peg Bowles with Initial Impressions www.initial-impressions.net
11. Christy Serocki with Snap Jewelry Facebook.com/snapitforward
12. Melinda Orr with BANDANA GIRL Www.amazon.com/handmade/bandana-girl
13. Nalea Stewart with It works www.nalealee.myit works.com (no space)
14. Pamela Gann with Paparazzi
15. Kellie Dunham with sass n frass http://www.sassnfrass.net/#blueheaven
16. Erin Coleman Pinkele with Pink Zebra www.pinkzebrahome.com/erinpink
17. Katrina Sorell with Katrina's Kreations https://www.etsy.com/shop/KatrinaKreates
18. Jodi Alderson with Rodan + Fields http://jalderson.myrandf.biz
19. Eszter Vandaveer with Pink Papaya http://www.pinkpapayaparty.com/821960
20. Jayme Mills with Thirty One Gifts www.mythirtyone.com/jaymemills
21. Jayme Mills with Uppercase Living http://jaymem0927.uppercaseliving.net/
22. Denise Erspamer Personalized Gifts by Denise https://www.facebook.com/PersonalizedGiftsbyDenise/
23. Rose Ditmer with Usborne Books and More
24. Rose Ditmer with Silpada Jewerly
25. Janet Spendlove with Lularoe https://www.facebook.com/groups/790008634429177/
26 LeeAnn Stidham with Sparkly Expressions sparklyexpressions.com/#6003
27. Amy Meme Lewis with Kyani www.amylewis.kyani.net
28. Tina Kahl with Ava Anderson Non-Toxic www.avaandersonnontoxic.com/tinakahl
29. Regina Ferguson with Regina's Functional Classics Www.Rfunctionalclassics.Com
30. Kristin Molldrem with Origami Owl Kmolldrem.origamiowl.com
31. Jennifer Mager with Beautycounter www.beautycounter.com/jennifermager
32. Jessica Peryea with Perfectly Posh www.JessicaPosh.com
33. Kathy Rezutek with KEEP Collective keep-collective.com/with/kathyrezutek
34. Lisa Wilson with Steeped Tea www.mysteepedteaparty.com/teawithlisa
35. Patty Rollings with Gold Canyon Candles www.PattyRollings.mygc.com
36. Lisa Tomiczek with In A Pikle http://parties.inapikle.com/LisaTomiczek
37. Mary Perrotto with all About YOU https://www.allaboutyougifts.com/#Mary
38. Stacie Evjen with Norwex www.stacieevjen.norwex.biz
39. Lauren Higginson with Higgy Bears & Friends www.higgybears.etsy.com
40. Dawnyett Taylor with Mary Kay Cosmetics http://www.marykay.com/dr_destinationpearls/en-US
41. Miriam Gerace with Chloe + Isabel. www.chloeandisabel.com/boutique/miriamgerace
42. Tracy Narcaroti with Tracy Narcarotis Art https://www.facebook.com/Tracy.Narcarotis.Art
43. Amy Mumm with Color By Amber www.amymumm.mycolorbyamber.com
44. Jennifer Lipe with Le-Vel ..jenniferlipe.le-vel.com
45. Danyel Saunders with Velata https://danyelsaunders.velata.us
46. Jess Strowig with JIC Jewelry in Candles https://www.jewelryincandles.com/store/jstrowig15/
47. Dana Ortiz with AdvoCare http://www.advocare.com/150440429
48. Ashley Grant with Plunder Design www.plunderdesign.com/ashleyrgrant
49. Linda Magsamen with Appletizers
50.Mary Jane Davis with Jeunesse Global http://www.erase10yearsin2min.jeunesseglobal.com/
51. APRYL WHITING with The Snooty Hen https://www.facebook.com/TheSnootyHen/timeline
52. Deb Boyd with Clever Container www.mycleverbiz.com/DebBoyd
53. Shannon McFate with Berwick Bay etsy.com/shop/berwickbay
54. Susanne Alicea with Susanne's Fun Stuff www.facebook.com/SusannesFunStuff
55. Michelle Morgan Juice Plus+ Http://michellemorgan.juiceplus.com
56. Ruth Trilli ViVi Jewelry www.bevivi.com/ruthtrilli
57. Judy Bode with Leather Whimsy www.leatherwhim.com
58. Carmela E. DeCastro-Hopper with Javita International http://www.myjavita.com/Kenosha
59. Emily Lemberg with Nerium http://lembed.nerium.com
60. Julissa Veugeler with NU SKIN Julissav.nsproducts.com
61. Tina Ashcraft with Sunshine Spirit Co., LLC www.sunshinespiritco.com
62. Tanya Casteel with Isagenix www.tcasteel.isagenix.com
63. Sue Richison with Rich Creations Subway Art https://www.facebook.com/RichCreations14
64. Pamela Gootee with Beachbody http://www.beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/momto11
65. Pamela Gootee with Wildtree www.mywildtree.com/goodfoodforlife
66. Jacki and Abby Ralph with Glitter Girlz Headbandz www.glittergirlzheadbandz.com
67. Patti Moreland with Nana's blessings https://www.facebook.com/patti.moreland.1
68. Wendy Schaid with Wendy's Whimsies
69. Shelly Vail with Soapology Bath Shoppe http://www.soapologybathshoppe.com
70. Sabrina Walters with Amazing Photo Letters www.amazingphotoletters.zenfolio.com
71. Lon Stratton with Watkins Www.facebook.com/jrwatkinsbylonster
72. Becky Simmons with DoTerra Essential Oils www.mydoterra.com/beckysimmons
73. Eszter Vandaveer with AVON www.youravon.com/esztervandaveer
74. Jennifer Welch with Plexus Worldwide - Independent Ambassador Www.letsalldrinkpink.com
75. Dawn Reiherzer with L'BRI Www.dawnreiherzer.lbri.com
76. Karen Eckert/Lori Paluso with Woof N' Wear https://www.facebook.com/Woof-N-Wear-819867724746160/
77. Michele Clements with Nichols Candles Tarts and More
78. Amy Thieme with Pure Romance Www.pureromance.com/amythieme
79. Debbie Pintacura wiht Beattitudes Religious Gifts and Collectibles http://www.beattitudesgift.com/
80. Shari Filsinger with Arbonne sharifilsinger.arbonne.com
81. DEE HEUER with Labella Baskets, dee.labellabaskets.com
82. Anna Wilthew,with PartyLite Candle Lady www.partyLite.biz/annawilthew
83. Linda Younkman with Lindy's Designs http://www.amazon.com/handmade.lindys-designs
84. Abigail Lippmann with Serenity soap works Www.serenity-soapworks.com
85. Brandi Beavers with The Rustic Shop www.beavercreekcountrystore.com
86. Cathy's Cajun Cuisine www.cathyscajuncuisines.com
87. Whitney Coleman with Locket Keepsakes www.locketkeepsakes.com
88. Mystic Styles LLC MSO Toys www.msotoys.com
89. Jaclyn Shoemaker Traveling Vineyard
90. Lindsay De Vera with South Hill Designs https://www.facebook.com/groups/SouthHillDesignsByLindsayAndCathy/
91. Shelly Vigoren with Mineral Perfections www.mineralperfections.com
92. Antoinette Terry Trichic SPECIAL!!!!!! http://scent-team.com/aroma
93. Ashley Moore MyCharmingMagnetics www.etsy.com/MyCharmingMagnetics www.facebook.com/MyCharmingMagnetics
94. Jennifer Zeier with Paycation Travel www.TreasuredTravelbyJen.com


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