How to Market Your Small Business for Less Than $100

Have an active presence on social media. In a survey of 569 consumers, Hubspot asked participants what they expect from brands on social media. Respondents said they expect brands to be active primarily on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; in any case, they expect brands to have a presence on a minimum of 3 platforms. It’s clear that consumers expect easy access to brands – both big and small – on whichever digital platforms they frequent.
While all of the major social networking sites give free access to their users, marketing on these platforms does require a significant investment of time and energy.

Some best practices for your social marketing strategy: 
  • Use social media to provide useful and relevant information
  • become a trusted source of industry data and insights
  • respond to questions and complaints in a timely and respectful manner

These are the keys to social media marketing success.

Effectively marketing your small business doesn’t have to break the bank. With so many free and low-cost tools and services now available, your marketing strategy is only limited by your time and imagination.
With Valerie Roe Marketing, I can give you a social media presence and maintain your presence. 

Valerie Roe Marketing - Online Promotions & Advertising


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