1.Each day have a special ”worry time” set aside to address issues that may be “worrisome” that you list the eve before. Worrying takes an enormous amount of time and energy and stats show that a only a tiny percentage of what we consider worrisome ever happens.
2. Let go of perfectionism, take action and manifest! Give yourself permission to take action and begin a project before all the “kinks” are straightened out, as long as you are following a “strategic” plan.
3. Examine anything you are procrastinating about to see if it’s worthwhile to pursue. If it is and you need to get past a few blocks, learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) a sure procrastination eradicator!
4. Listen to your intuition. Always! Pay attention to your physical and emotional cues!
5. Be a great listener! Listening well has a few great benefits: Listen well and your response will be more on target.
6. You always have a choice! Give yourself a few minutes in the morning to visualize success. Before “popping” out of bed, visualize your day happening including what you are wearing and how conversations unfold. If it is not a happy-productive scenario, when possible eliminate it.
7. Take frequent breaks. Throughout the day, leave the scene of work. Go outside if possible, stretch and walk.
8. Be grateful! It’s been going around that this is the only way to be if you want to have peace of mind. To further gratefulness along, write three things/people you are grateful for each day, adding to the list you have created. When you walk, you can use these as a “mantra”. Post them on post-its on your mirror and on the car dashboard. Witness the magic happen.
9. Take time each day to relax and dream. Practice yoga and/or meditation or simply do some relaxation breathing in a peaceful spot.
10. Surround yourself with positive people.
Be Fearless!!
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