Happy Fall Y’all! Online Shopping Affair September 22-29, 2021 on Facebook

Happy Fall Y’all! Online Shopping Affair September 22-29, 2021 on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/happyfallaffair Shop with 49 different amazing vendors for all the things you want! Clothes, wine, health & beauty, crafts & DIY, jewelry & accessories, household goods, gifts and much more! JOIN THE FUN! GAMES, CONTESTS, FREE GIFTS, PRIZES, FUN & MORE!! 1. Chalk Couture - Candy Hess https://www.chalkcouture.com/CandysCreations 2. Color Street - Lynn Radcliffe https://www.colorstreet.com/Morticia2/party/2062904 3. Country Scents and Suds - Jodi Reinert www.countr yscents.com/ store/jodisscentsandsuds (no spaces) 4. Cove Creek - Tracy J. Bryant https://Tracyjbryant.shopcovecreek.com 5. Discovery Toys - Tina Hancock Https://www.discoverytoys.com/tinahancock 6. doTERRA Essential Oils - Tina Moose https://mydoterra.com/tinamoose 7. Epicure - Lisa Fawcett CAN- https://lisafawcett.epicure.com/en-ca/ USA- ht...