2020 Labor Day Celebration Online Shopping Event ~ September 1 – 8, 2020 on Facebook

2020 Labor Day Celebration Online Vendor Event https://www.facebook.com/groups/LaborDayShopping Honoring the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country. Join us, as summer winds down, as our vendors showcase their small businesses & products. There is an amazing variety of goods and opportunities available for you to explore! Shop online and enjoy great deals from your favorite vendors & some new vendors, too!! 1. Avon - Shae Shores Youravon.com/shaeshores 2. BeautyCounter - Carla Taylor Kazimar https://beautycounter.com/carlakazimar 3. Bee Well Bakery – Sally Wheeler- Riker https://www.etsy.com/shop/SallysEssentialOils 4. BioRegins - Laura Ogle https://lauraogle.bioreigns.com/ 5. Color Street - Laurie Duemmling www.colorstreet.com/beachgirlnails 6. Damsel in Defense - Monica Tack http://mydamselpro.net/pro20738 7. Discovery Toys - Tina Hancock ht...