The Key To Selling MORE 99% Of The Time

What Is The Most Overlooked Secret Of Selling? To answer this question, you’ve got to understand first that selling or closing the sale is an outcome. It is something that happens only after several other things must have happened. Meaning, sales are not made in an instant. Several factors must be well aligned long before the decision to buy is made.So here’s the most overlooked secret of selling; eliminate every barrier to sale !That’s as simple as it sounds. To sell more 99% of the time, get rid of every hindrances to making the sale. In other words, to make the sale, shorten the buyers’ decision process. The problem with selling is not from the target buyers per se, but from you the seller. To the buyer, buying is a decision . To the seller, buying is sales . To sell 99% of the time, as the seller, you need to see from the buyer’s perspective. To them, what you call sales is a decision they make after considering several things. So customers will buy if you the seller can ...