12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! on Facebook December 1 - 12, 2018

HOLIDAY SHOPPERS! Our Vendors are giving away FREE GIFTS for 12 days! You can enter each day to win the prize of the day! In three different events! That is 36 FREE GIFTS that we are giving away!! Easy to ENTER!! JOIN us Online on Facebook December 1 - 12, 2018 Each day, in each of the three events, there will be ONE vendor that will be showcasing their products and giving away a FREE GIFT!! Plus, BONUS giveaways by Rising Star Events throughout each event. You do not want to miss out! JOIN the events GROUPS today & keep your notifications on to be notified of all the giveaways! Good Luck & HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! JOIN ANY OF THE EVENTS BELOW! 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Online Vendor Event December 1 - Perfectly Posh - Kathy Kathy Conley Marco Https://KathyMarco.po.sh December 2 - Pawtree - Debbie Ruiz December 3 - Hempworx - Pamela Clemmons Brooks Www.hempworx.com/pamela811 December 4 - Young Livin...