6 Direct Sales Tips I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business

6 Direct Sales Tips I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business I was at dinner with some friends a few nights ago, and an interesting topic came up. One friend asked what advice or tip would we give our younger selves if we could. Well, that got my wheels turning as I was laying in bed that night. I don’t sleep well, like ever. My brain has a hard time shutting off, so I replayed that conversation in my head. What would I tell myself? And then that stream of inner-dialogue went to my business. What would I do if I could start over? What tips do I wish I knew before I signed up? Wow. That’s a totally loaded question. That engine in my head just went from a Geo Tracker to a freaking Ferrari! I grabbed my phone and started jotting down ideas. Holy crap! The ideas were FLYING! Once I finally got the brain to calm down, I called it a night. But I woke up with the same excitement! I spent my morning reaching out to other friends in direct sales to ask them what they wish they knew bef...