Summer 2017 Preview Online Vendor Event

Summer 2017 Preview Online Vendor Event SHOPPERS are always FREE Ok, so we have all had enough of winter & can not wait for SUMMER!! Let's see all the great summer offerings!! 1. ActiLabs - Debra McKenna 2. AVON - Jennifer Tarantino 3. Color By Amber - Christine Di Santis Guillemette 4. Delightfully Dalila - Dalila Mosby 5. doTERRA Essential Oils - Cheri Keller 6. FITTEAM Global - Barb Williams 7. ItWorks - Jena Matuszak 8. Jamberry Nails - Michelle Wyse-Drake 9. Jewel Scent - Jennifer Ivey 10. L'Bri - JjStar L'Bri 11. LimeLight by Alcone - Michelle Schmalz 12. LuLaRoe - Tara VanDenHeuvel 13. Magnabilities - Karen Martin Hauck 14. Magnolia and Vine - Sheri Hutchison Martin 15. Mary Kay - Nessie Wood Dean 16. Mermaid Molly LLC - Mermaid Molly 17. Nerium - Kimberly Fuller Cynewski 18. Norwex - Cathie Manley 19. Pampered Chef - Renee Tibbits 20. Paparazzi - Marissa Pavone 21. Perfectly Posh - Darci Schube 22. Pruvit! - Jeconda Arnold 23. Rodan+...